Hello you sinners
What this mod does:
The siegefrigates have there shields reduced with 200 points and
now only regen them at a 0.5 rate instead of the normal 1 per second.
The orbital defence platforms now have shields by default yay !
I'd like to make it a upgrade but ill wait till the full modpack to try that ^^)
What i did to the frigatefiles
I just reduced the shields with 200 points and the recharge rate is 0.5 so its not realy ballanced but there easy to change your self if you dont like the settings they should be easyer to kill now atleast.
120 shieldpoints
175 shieldpoints
80 shieldpoints
This is just all gueswork so it still needs lots of tweaking but its the same with the frigate shields just tweak them if you think there wrong.
MaxShieldPoints 290.000000
ShieldPointRestoreRate 1.000000
MaxShieldPoints 260.000000
ShieldPointRestoreRate 1.000000
MaxShieldPoints 280.000000
ShieldPointRestoreRate 1.000000
were to extract the files
(User)/AppData/Local/Ironclad Games/Sins of a Solar Empire/Mods
Wincustomise DL location 
Have fun
(edit) Forgot to mention the edited files are still in txt format of easy editing
and it has been uploaded to the official mod gallery so ill change the link as soon as it is available there.